Check out this is pretty scary what the Courts will become should The One win the Presidential election.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Another huge worry about an Obama Presidency
Posted by elkaholic at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thomas Jefferson is rolling in his grave
Posted by elkaholic at 7:47 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
WOW - a look at the numbers
OK, so I decided to look into who is financing the 2 main presidential candidates. I found a website that lets you look at money given to all of the candidates by industry sector. This post is a bit long, but trust me, it is worth it. This is what I have found out.....
Barack Hussein "The Messiah" Obama has received $2,366,199 from commercial banks (more than McCain) and the Democrat candidates received 55% of all money given by commercial banks. Weren't these the same banks who created this whole financial snafu we are in now? Yep - I am sure the politicians are looking out for the good of the people, not the good of those who are lining their pockets.
Barack Hussein "The Messiah" Obama has received $4,970,535 from the computer/internet industry. This is a whopping $3.5 million (rounded) more than McCain has received. I am sure we can trust the internet media to have unbiased reporting on the candidates. Democrat candidates received 65% of all donations from this industry.
Barack Hussein "The Messiah" Obama has received $12,222,365 from EDUCATION!!!!!!! What?!?!?! You have got to be kidding me. ALl of the educators and education groups whining and crying about not having enough money and always needing more - and they are giving over $12,000,000 to one candidate?!?! And they then expect us common folk to really believe that they are not partial to one political viewpoint when they are teaching our children? This is big proof that the education system in today's America is nothing more than indoctrination centers. This is also a whopping $11 million more than McCain received. Democrat candidates received an overwhelming 83% of money donated by the education industry to the candidates.
*****Parents - please educate your children at home and correct all of the lies and filth taught in the schools.
Barack Hussein "The Messiah" Obama received $6,616,264 form the health care industry. Isn't this the "rich" in America? They are so rich that they can only give 1/2 of what educators give. This is also over $2,000,000 more than McCain received. Democrats received 57% of the money given by the health care industry.
The Health Service/HMO Industry gave $737,939 to The Messiah. This is double what they gave to McCain. Democrats received 67% of the donations from this industry.
Do you want more evidence that the bailout was for the legislators and not the people? The Hedge Fund and Private Equity Industry donated over $2,000,000 to The Messiah, bettering McCain by only $500,000. But Democrats received 57% of these donations. This is one of the industries getting the blame for the collapse of our economy that resulted in the Mother of All Bailouts (MOAB). Yep - these politicians were looking out for the welfare of the common folk - sure. Keep telling yourself that. These guys are dirty.
Obama has received $2,005,362 from the Hospital Industry, compared to $708,000 for McCain. Democrats took in 69% of these donations.
WOW - this number is HUGE!!!! Lawyers and law firms - you know, all of the rich and powerful in America.....they have donated an astronomical $27,689,330 to the "People's Candidate". Yep, that is not a typo - over $27,000,000. McCain has received just over $9,000,000 from this industry. The Democrat candidates....those that want to help the common people because they are so downtrodden (we have heard that before) received over 75% of all donated money from the legal industry.
Obama has also received more from the Pharmaceutical Industry $1.1 million to McCain's $527,000 - and the Democrats took in 59%.
The Securities and Investment Industry gave $10,847,652 to Obama compared to $7,634,378 to McCain.
I know this one will be a shocker to everyone.....TV/Movies/Radio - you know, Hollywood and the media - gave $5,724,815 to Obama, and gave a whopping $950,000 to McCain. Democrats rule this industry with 83%. Yep, fair and balanced coverage of all of the candidates.
Now, before you say - oh, this is just another attack on The Messiah by a right wing nut....well, yes it is. But to be fair, I will list the industries that favor McCain....
Insurance $ 2,000,000 to Osamabama's $1,500,000
Casinos $261,000 to Hussein's $142,000
Lobbyist $ 915,000 to $255,000 to Obama. Funny note, Hillary received what McCain now has. This surprises me considering McCain is the one who pushes campaign finance reform.
Oil & Gas no surprise here $ 2,000,000 to the commie socialists $504,000
Real Estate $ 7,600,000 for McCain, only $600,000 more than the All Knowing Savior Obama.
Retired $30,000,000 to $27,000,000 heck - he is a part of this age group.
Telephone $410,000 to $333,000.
TObacco $111,000 to $32,000 - I guess the tobacco industry doesn't like either candidate that much.
OK, so there you have it. This is where the industry money is going. THere are a few things that everyone should make note of. The financial industry (commercial banks, securities, hedge funds, etc) have pumped millions and millions of dollars into both major candidates this election cycle. This is the industry that the gooberment just bailed out due to bad business practices. Do you honestly believe that ANY politician will bite the hand that feeds him? Nothing at all will change and those in control will keep getting their pockets lined with cash to keep the "elite" in power financially. the heck can the education industry say that they are all for educating the children when they so overwhelmingly back one political party? DO you really think that they will teach both sides of an issue? I think not. This one really bothers me. More and more, states are making it harder to homeschool your children. Could it be that they do not want you teaching the truth as you see it? Why do we have to send kids to school to be educated by nothing more than the Democrat Party education machine? This is starting to smell more like indoctrination than education.
Third....Obamessiah has received over $10,000,000 from the health care field. He gets up and give his line about reforming the health care system in America. Whatever oh great one. How can he sit up there on his throne and honestly say to the American people that he is going to change the way health care is handled in our country when he is taking millions in handouts from that industry? DO you really believe that the industry will finance someone who is going to do away with their profits? If you think that anything is gonna change, stop drinking the kool-aid.
Fourth......the party preaching down their noses to us about legal reform because of lawsuits, etc has snuggled up to the teet. Obamessiah has taken almost $30,000,000 from the legal profession. WHo do you think is going to be pulling his strings?
And if this is a surprise to anyone not addicted to the Obamessiah Kool-aid.....we will never hear the truth about anything related to the Democrat party. With media overwhelmingly supporting that party, and Obamanation in particular, after he is elected (selected) we will not hear one bad thing the whole time. Our nation can be falling to pieces and they will report that everything is good. They will never report one negative thing about Barack Hussein Obama.
Please people....wake up. Take a look at what is behind the candidates. Research where they stand on issues. For the sake of all that is holy, do not vote for style over substance. Do not let fear of retaliation coerce you into voting for the next leader of our country. As you can probably tell, I do not support Obama in any way. I feel that should he be placed into office our country will begin to fail. We will have the second most liberal Senator in the White House, and we will have a very liberal House of Representatives and Senate. There will be a floodgate of laws passed that will begin to strip all of our most basic freedoms. There are already public servants establishing "Truth Squads" whose stated objective is to attack people who they feel mislead about Obama. How is this allowed in America? I have studied history...military history in particular. This is really starting to eerily look like 1930's Germany. You have a young, charismatic person campaigning to run this country. He is promising that he will make everythign better. He is blaming everything on a certain group of people (Republicans). He is preaching and promoting class envy/hatred. Children are singing songs devoted to this leader. Teens are marching and chanting in adoration of this person.
We need to wake up now before it is too late. John McCain may not be the ideal candidate for president, but the best thing for this country is to have different political parties in control of Congress nad the WHite House.
Posted by elkaholic at 10:29 AM 6 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Messiah Watch 07/21/2008
Posted by elkaholic at 10:08 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Food shortage or not?
I am sure by now that we have all seen and heard many stories about food shortages around the world and the problems that go right along with it. The stories I have seen report of food related riots in Haiti, Camaroon, Ivory Coast and Egypt. While these countries seem far behind us in their place on the civilization timeline, where do you think they get their food from? We supply food to most of the world. It seems like not a day goes by that we announce more food and money to go to foreign countries. If they are running out of food our gooberment officials will vote to send more food and support to those areas because we all know that the image of helping matters more than results. If we continue to increase the amount of food sent to foreign countries, what happens to our food supplies here?
Another problem with the food supply is the amount of corn and grains that are going into the bio-fuel dream. According to a report from the UN Food Summit in Rome recently only 3% of the price increase in food is due to bio-fuel use. However, an internal report that was acquired by a London newspaper indicates that the number is closer to at least 75% of the increase in price is due to using the food crops to make bio-fuel. I don't know about you, but how about letting me eat my food and start pumping some freakin oil and building new refineries to supply my fuel.
Also, on another note - we made a trip to the local LDS Home Storage Center recently. The gentleman that was in charge there was telling us how they have closed 8 centers across the state recently. We were told that there is no shortage in the supply for the Church members, but the cost of fuel is making it difficult to justify shipping the food to all of the Storage Centers. All the food in the world cannot help at all if it can't get distributed.
Let's start petitioning our Congressmen to look after America first. I really don't care what happens to the African, Asian or South American countries (including Mexico) if we can't take care of America first.
Posted by elkaholic at 10:44 AM 3 comments
Just a drop in the barrel (pun intended)
Well, according to the Associated Press, President Bush lifted the Presidential ban on drilling for oil offshore. This of course means nothing unless the idiots in Congress vote to lift their ban as well. Even if the ban is lifted across the board this will have a minimal impact on the price of gas going into our fuel tanks. It will take time to set up the logistics to drill, pump and transport the newly drilled oil from the source to the destination. This ban is also pure idiocy. From what I understand, American companies are prohibited from drilling for oil within 300 miles of the US coast. However, nothing they can do prevents other countries - China for example - from drilling within 300 miles of our coastline while still in international waters.
Where is the sense in this? Why are we letting other countries to drill offshore but prohibit American companies from doing the same? Is every member of Congress being funded by foreign entities do do what is not in America's best interest? When will the leadership of our country start to do what is in our best interest?
I think that the best thing to do at this point is vote every single member of congress out of office. Let's start fresh. Just like Robin Williams says...."Politicians are a lot like diapers – they should be changed frequently and for the same reason."
Posted by elkaholic at 10:31 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Messiah Watch
Posted by elkaholic at 3:40 PM 3 comments
Well, the police arrested him on murder charges. The DA filed the grand jury indictment. The Grand Jury on Monday (07/01/2008) declined to file charges and found that Mr. Horn committed no crime with his actions. Turns out that both of the dead scumbags that the good citizens of Texas now will not have to pay to house them in the 5 star prisons were illegal aliens from Columbia...and one had an extensive criminal record.
Posted by elkaholic at 8:16 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
OK people....Republican Primary today. Make sure you go vote if you are eligible. This election will determine your choices in the general election on the Republican ticket. Make sure you look into the candidates before voting. Some may not have the same beliefs and views on how things should be run even though they are in the same party.
Posted by elkaholic at 12:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
People never cease to amaze me
Another story yesterday about a mom who left her infant in the car. Basically, she left her 5-month old in the car at 2:30 pm when she went to visit a friend. She forgot the child was in the car. THe child is still in critical condition at the hospital.
What is wrong with people? I have never forgotten one of our kids in the car - hot, cold or otherwise. I know how many kids I have. I know how many are in the car. Not that hard for me to do the math. I am thinking she was busy talking to someone on the cell phone as she arrived at the friend's house. is a 5-month old baby!!!!!!!! How hard would it be to shortly remember that you have a 5-month old baby that you haven't seen in a little while. Heck, when I don't see or hear L for 5 minutes I start looking for him....and that is when I am home. Just wake up and pay attention.
I don't mean to offend anyone, because this may have happened to you....but to the best of my knowledge none of the people I know have ever left a child in a hot car long enough to warrant a hospital trip. Some people just need to pay attention to something other than themselves.
Law enforcement doesn't know if there will be a criminal investigation?!?!?!?!?!?! With the great wisdom of the Utah Legislature, if this was a dog or a cat the lady would be facing felony charges now that they passed the new law. How on earth did our priorities get so screwed up where more importance is placed on an animal than a baby human? How about we get our priorities back in line people?
Posted by elkaholic at 9:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Airline rant....
OK, I know we have all been keeping up with the airline changes. I just have to rant a bit about my frustrations with airlines.
As many of you know, in May we went to Baton Rouge. We were originally scheduled to fly on Frontier. Well, a few months before the flight we found out through the Baton Rouge newspaper that Frontier was cancelling their service to Baton Rouge. I called Frontier and the reservation people (not even the supervisors) knew anything about it, and even after I emailed them the article they continued to not believe it. Shortly before we were set to leave they still had not called us back to get us to Baton Rouge. I called and we spent literally hours on the phone before they finally figured it out and got us re-booked on Continental.
Well, we got to the airport 2 hours early to have plenty of time to get the kids ready and get some food choked down. We went to the counter and the computer (self check in) indicated that I needed to see the desk worker. She says "Can I see your tickets please?" I said, "Ummmmmmm, what tickets?" She says "The computer says you were issued paper tickets." I say "You can still get paper tickets?" Long story short, Frontier never sent the e-ticket numbers over to Continental. It took them an hour and a half to get it right, and as a result we were rushed to the plane and it seems like from that point on it was one big hurry.
Now to this week.....We are set for a cruise in September out of Miami. We are flying from SLC to Newark to Fort Lauderdale. We get home from a camping trip and I see a story on the news. Continental is canceling their non-stop service from SLC to Newark beginning in September. Can you possibly guess who we were set to fly on to get there?
This experience was much nicer though. I called and within 15 minutes we were changed to being routed through Houston. This has not been a good year for air travel for us.
Now the airlines are increasing fares, charging for 2nd bags, some are wanting to charge for the 1st bag now, some are talking about charging for the little kid tea size drinks you get, and there has even been some talk about charging passengers based on weight. Here's an idea.....why don't you cut the salaries of everyone in the company? That will save you more money than bilking the passengers for everything. Once you have no passengers you will have no income whatsoever. Honestly, do you think that the airlines are going to just give up the extra fees if the fuel prices drop? Nope - these increases are here to stay.
Posted by elkaholic at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Interesting Quote....
"Control the oil and you'll control the nations; control the food and you'll control the people." - Henry Kissinger (1970)
Makes you think about the current situation just a bit more.
Posted by elkaholic at 9:07 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Gas Prices Out of Control
OK, I know everyone has heard and talked about the gas prices, but I just figured I would add my .02 worth. Why is it that we are told by the oil companies that gas prices are so high because the cost of oil is so high, yet they continue to make record profits? I am in no way supporting price controls, or government seizure of profits, or follow the example of Senor Chavez and nationalize the oil industry. However, something needs to be done or pretty soon it will be too expensive to go to work. But if you do not drive to work then you can't pay the other bills (housing, food, etc) and you will be in worse shape. I would gladly take the bus, but according to the UTA website it is 1 hour 5 minutes to travel the route from home to my office. This would add 2 hours to a 10 hour workday. I like to spend more time at home than that.
As for "alternative fuels", the current trend is a joke. There are vehicles out there now that get great gas mileage, but we can't get them. For example, Ford has 2 minivans that they sell in England that have diesel engines: Ford S-Max ( and the Ford Galaxy ( . The Ford site says that these two minivans with diesel engines (1.8L and 2.0L) and manual transmissions get between 43 and 46 mpg. Why does my Ford minivan only get 20-25? Why can I not puchase the diesel van in the USA? Is it really a question of "follow the money" and we will find an answer to that?
There are several other options that have been developed but are not in mass production for some reason. Just take a look at these offerings:,, They may not be pretty, but heck, for use as a commuter vehicle they would be perfect.
One way to drastically reduce the demand for gas (and to lower emissions for you global warming kool-aid drinkers) would be to get these higher mileage vehicles in mass production in the USA. Offer a program to get a much higher trade in value for current vehicles and you would have people trading in their current cars. Heck, in England, Ford has a 3.0L diesel version of the Ranger pick-up. I would gladly trade in my F250 (about 13mpg average) to get a diesel version of a Ranger.
Also, don't you just love how the prices of gas seem to peak right around the holidays? you see the highest gas prices around Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. These prices are not based on increased demand, but the perceived increase in demand....even if that demand doesn't happen.
OK, venting over now.
***Tin Foil Hat Moment***
Perhaps one reason gas is getting more and more expensive is so the population has to rely on government transportation more. To do this the rural family will either be restricted in mobility and extra cash to pay for other things (internet, telephone, etc) or they will have to re-locate to a city. Is this just some veiled tactitc for the gooberment (you like that one?) to gain more control over otherwise free willed individuals? Is this just one more step to a more socialist utopia?
Posted by elkaholic at 10:39 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Everyone has a first.
Well, I guess I will also fall into the trap that is blogging. After all, what I have to say is always important. I will see if I can keep up with the demand for my wisdom and guidance on all issues, as well as updates into my important and interesting life.
Posted by elkaholic at 9:37 AM 4 comments